Lithuania. Ethnic art. Art. Wood works. Articles. |
LITHUANIA: SITUATION AND PERSPECTIVES E. Ribašauskiene Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics
International Scientific Conference EU Support for 2007-2013: New Challenges and Innovations for agriculture and food industry 27 – 29 May 2009 Globalization processes, cultural influence of other countries,
insufficient dissemination of knowledge about the national material and immaterial heritage create problems related to national identity, retention and promotion of ethnic-cultural heritage, threatening ethnic culture, where traditions and customs mingle, regional ethnographic differences disappear. Such situation encourages to appreciate ethnic-cultural heritage and seek for possibilities of using it. On the other side, the reducing employment in commercial agriculture may offer an alternative of traditional crafts, which, as an integral part of economic and social rural life, may become one of the most attractive activities in rural areas. Moreover, that Lithuanian ethnic culture was formed on the basis of the community of farmers through ages. Traditional crafts – an individual or collective activity, based on experience and specific skills transferred through generations, is aimed at making and selling products historically characteristic of Lithuania or a separate ethnographic region produced in a particular traditional form, composition and marked by other peculiarities. LEGAL PRECONDITIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF TRADICIONAL CRAFTS • The Law on products of national heritage (enforced since 1 January 2008); • Rules for certifying products of national heritage, training programmes of traditional crafts and traditional fairs, including the certification and attestation of craftsmen; • Description of the classificator of traditional crafts and the procedure of classification; • Indicators for assessing correspondence of the National heritage products to the Lithuanian ethnic culture; • Long-term Strategy on retaining, promoting, creating and selling products of national heritage, and the 2008 – 2015 Programme on the protection of products of national heritage, and the development of the market and crafts. The Description of the classification of traditional crafts and the Classificator of traditional crafts cover 65 types of crafts and products historically developed in Lithuania. Products made by craftsmen are recognized as traditional articles, provided they are: • produced by the generations of craftsmen for no less than 100 years in the entire Lithuania or in a certain ethnographic region; •hand made using old production technologies or are made with the help of modern technologies corresponding to the old ones retaining the unique traditional features and the composition of products. MARKING OF TRADICIONAL PRODUCTS In 2008 craftsmen submitted 46 applications for the assessment of experts on 77 traditional products (experts stated that 58 products were recognized as products of national heritage, including 39 food products, 7 products of carving, 6 of pottery and cross-making). Over 40 applications concerning the recognition of 150 traditional articles as products of national heritage were submitted during the period of January – April 2009. According to the experts more than 100 articles were recognized as products of national heritage. The first 9 craftsmen, who have collected vast experience and are going to teach others in their crafts, were assessed. NATIONAL MEASURES FOR SUPPORTING TRADITIONAL CRAFTS The support is aimed at: •certification of products of national heritage, training programmes of traditional crafts and traditional fairs, including the certification and attestation of craftsmen, • development of programmes for training and upgrading of skills, and scientific possibility studies for further development of crafts, • improvement of skills of the present and the potential future craftsmen, • establishment and equipment of specialized market places, where products of national heritage could be sold, • measures for promoting products of national heritage and traditional services (fairs, exhibitions, conferences, production of publications introducing and promoting products of national heritage, descriptions of products of national heritage, including maps of their prevalence, etc., and marketing), • awarding the most successfully working craftsmen and craft centres. EU MEASURES FOR SUPPORTING TRADITIONAL CRAFTS Crafts will be also supported under Axis III of the Lithuanian Rural Development Programme for 2007–2013: Measure 1: ,,Diversification of economic activities“, Measure 2: ,,Support for business creation and development “, Measure 3: ,,Encouragement of rural tourism activities “. Priorities in the above measures are given to applicants asking for support for the development of craftsmanship activities. Support to the development of craft centres will be provided under measure 4 “Village renewal and development”. Support is aimed at: •Restoration of craftsmanship technologies, •Creating conditions for representing and selling craftsmanship articles and products, •Establishment of traditional crafts centres and supporting their activities. 13-14 century Lithuanians were the last pagans in Europe, ethnic art, Lithuania, Vilnius - the European Capital of Culture 2009, Lithuanian, Lithuanian history, last pagans, Lithuanian prehistory, balts, pagan, Lithuania ethnic culture, Lithuania ethnic, folklore, ethnic architecture, Lithuanian architect, Lithuanian wood houses, Lithuanian music, Lithuania ragaja, Lithuanian albums, ancient, art, religion, paganism, Lithuania ritual, Lithuania archaeological findings, Lithuania books, Lithuania museums, Lithuania folklor, Lithuanian folk music, Lithuanian folk songs, Lithuanian folk dances, Lithuania musical instruments, folk instruments, Lithuanian musical groups, Lithuanian masters, Lithuania folkrock, Lithuania carving, Lithuania weaving, Lithuania wickerwork, Lithuanian photogallery, events, country tourism, news, ceramics, Lithuania ceramicists, Lithuania blacksmith, Lithuania jewellery, Lithuania jewellers, Lithuanian folkmedicine, Lithuania ecology, Lithuania handycrafts, crafts, craftsmens, Lithuania best artists. Lithuania Lithuanian Lithuanian ethnic art Lithuania history Lithuania culture Lithuania folklore lithuania ceramics Lithuania jewellery Lithuania smithery Lithuania music Lithuania architecture Lithuanians |